
H. G. Wellsの小説「Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul」の翻訳出版に向けた作業ブログ a one-man effort to translate a novel by H. G. Wells, “Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul” (1905) into Japanese and publish the results




When it was over Kipps, who rarely swore, was inspired to say the scene was "damned fine" about six times over, whereupon as if by way of recognition, Chitterlow took a simply enormous portion of the inspiring antediluvian, declaring at the same time that he had rarely met a "finer" intelligence than Kipps' (stronger there might be, that he couldn't say with certainty as yet, seeing how little after all they had seen of each other, but a finer never); that it was a shame such a gallant and discriminating intelligence should be nightly either locked up or locked out at ten—well, ten thirty then—and that he had half a mind to recommend old somebody or other (apparently the editor of a London daily paper) to put on Kipps forthwith as a dramatic critic in the place of the current incapable.


注はantediluvianの辞書的定義を与え、ここではOld Methuselahを指すという。後者はウィスキーの名称。

上巻4章注15のある文(William Archer)


I tell you, you'd knock William Archer into fits. Not so literary, of course, you'd be, but I don't believe in literary critics any more than in literary playwrights. 


拙訳のnot any more thanの処理は直訳的で学校英語の教えに反するかもしれない。

注は人名解説(翻訳家/演劇評論家)。拙訳のようにliterary criticsを文芸評論家としては整合しない?


上巻4章注16のある文(knock 'em up)第3節にはいった。


"Keep out," said Chitterlow. "You can't knock 'em up now—that would give you Right away. You'd better try and sneak in in the morning with the Cat.


注はknock 'em upとは叩き起こす(扉や窓を叩いて眠っている連中を起こす)ことであるという。



"They say you can't love two women at once," said Chitterlow. "But I tell you——" He gesticulated and raised his ample voice. "It's Rot! Rot!"



上巻4章注18のある文(the smalls)

"Why, when I was in the smalls with Bessie Hopper's company there were three." He laughed and decided to add, "Not counting Bessie, that is."


注はthe smallsとはまともな劇場のないちっぽけな町(複数)を指すという。本当なら拙訳は要修正。ただし注のおかげで文の意味がよくわかるとは言い難い。

上巻4章注19のある文(Clement Scott)

Chitterlow proceeded to a close criticism of certain historical indiscretions of Mr. Clement Scott respecting the morals of the stage. 


a close criticismは「厳しい批判」より詳細検討、詳論に近いかもしれない。

