
H. G. Wellsの小説「Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul」の翻訳出版に向けた作業ブログ a one-man effort to translate a novel by H. G. Wells, “Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul” (1905) into Japanese and publish the results



中巻3章注3のある文(where the brook and river meet)

Not a big, real, resolute bull, but, on the other hand, no calf; a young bull, in the same stage of emotional development as Kipps, "standing where the two rivers meet."  


下線部につきペンギン・クラシクス版の相当部分はwhere the brook and river meetであり、注はヘンリ・ワーズワス・ロングフェロ「乙女」の7行目から3行を引用。Longfellow: Maidenhood, Ballads and Other Poems

中巻3章注4のある文(Portus Lemanus)

As so these heirs of the immemorial ages went past the turf-crowned mass of Portus Lemanus up the steep slopes towards the mediæval castle on the crest the thing was also manifest in her eyes.


注はPortus Lemanusをローマ時代のHytheの港とする。拙訳では勝手にPortus Lemanisと読みかえているようで怪しい。

中巻3章注5のある文(for ever)


The kindliest of farm ladies entertains a perpetual stream of visitors and shows her vast mangle, and her big kitchen, and takes you out upon the sunniest little terrace garden in all the world, and you look down the sheep-dotted slopes to where, beside the canal and under the trees, the crumpled memories of Rome sleep forever. For hither to this lonely spot the galleys once came, the legions, the emperors, masters of the world. The castle is but a thing of yesterday, King Stephen's time or thereabout, in that retrospect. 




What makes Mr. Coote add an S to Cuyp?"





He felt as a praying hermit might have felt, snatched from the midst of his quiet devotions, his modest sackcloth and ashes, and hurled neck and crop over the glittering gates of Paradise, smack among the iridescent wings, the bright-eyed Cherubim


注はCherubimの辞書的定義。 通常、羽根の生えた子供として描かれると書いてくれているので、bright-eyedの意味を特定するのに役立つかもしれない。似た語にstarry-eyedというのがあり、少女漫画に描かれる目を連想したりするものだが、辞書を引くと非現実的、夢想的みたいな意味があることがわかる。おそらくbright-eyedは子供の形容に多用されるのだろう。目の輝きにしろ動きにしろ、目をきらきらさせる感じであろう。意欲的という意味があって、目を輝かせて、のような日本語に通じる。


中巻3章注8のある文(county family)


"It's a county family, you know," he said.


注はcounty familyの辞書的定義。土地の所有に由来するジェントリの家系。