
H. G. Wellsの小説「Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul」の翻訳出版に向けた作業ブログ a one-man effort to translate a novel by H. G. Wells, “Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul” (1905) into Japanese and publish the results




Help! Slavey is what we used to call 'em, but times are changed. 



上巻2章注21のある文(Early Closing Association)

Mr. Shalford, after a brave stand for what he called "Innyvishal lib'ty" and the "Idea of my System," a stand which he explained he made chiefly on patriotic grounds, was at last, under pressure of certain of his customers, compelled to fall in line with the rest of the local Early Closing Association, and Mr. Kipps could emerge in daylight and go where he listed for long, long hours.


注はEarly Closing Associationについて平日に半日閉店することを店主に奨励し土曜営業の代償とし搾取を防止しようとするもの、という。

Early Closing Association - Wikipedia

上巻2章注22のある文(Terah Valley)

Moreover Minton, the pessimist, reached the end of his appointed time and left—to enlist in a cavalry regiment and go about this planet leading an insubordinate but interesting life, that ended at last in an intimate, vivid and really you know by no means painful or tragic night grapple in the Terah Valley


注はTerah Valleyがどこか簡単に記述。
