
H. G. Wellsの小説「Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul」の翻訳出版に向けた作業ブログ a one-man effort to translate a novel by H. G. Wells, “Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul” (1905) into Japanese and publish the results



上巻4章注8のある文(Oxford frame)


A note framed in an Oxford frame that was a little too large for it, he presently demeaned himself to read. 


注はOxford frameの辞書的定義。


上巻4章注9のある文('rather a take-off')

And in the shadow by the window was a rough and rather able sketch of the bicyclist in chalk on brown paper, calling particular attention to the curvature of the forward lines of his hull and calves and the jaunty carriage of his nose, and labelled unmistakably "Chitterlow." Kipps thought it "rather a take-off." 


注は'rather a take-off'をimitationもしくはspoofと言い換え。それで原文はどういう意味になるのか?似顔絵か、それとも、その種の名人になりきって描いたとでもいうのか。手元の辞書によればtake-offにはcaricatureの意味があり拙訳はその方向で処理したらしい。

上巻4章注10のある文(bulldog pipe)

For a space fire in his throat occupied his attention to the exclusion of other matters, and then he discovered Mr. Chitterlow with an intensely bulldog pipe alight, seated on the opposite side of the empty fireplace and pouring himself out a second dose of whiskey.


注はbulldog pipeの辞書的定義。


Practically it was a mass of material for the biography of a man who had been everywhere and done everything (including the Hon. Thomas Norgate, which was a Record), and in particular had acted with great distinction and profit (he dated various anecdotes, "when I was getting thirty, or forty or fifty, dollars a week") throughout America and the entire civilised world. 



上巻4章注12のある文(Ibsen and Maeterlinck)

Chitterlow became in very truth that ripe, full man of infinite experience and humour and genius, fellow of Shakespeare and Ibsen and Maeterlinck (three names he placed together quite modestly far above his own) and no longer ambiguously dressed in a sort of yachting costume with cycling knickerbockers, but elegantly if unconventionally attired, and the room ceased to be a small and shabby room in a Folkestone slum, and grew larger and more richly furnished, and the fly-blown photographs were curious old pictures, and the rubbish on the walls the most rare and costly bric-à-brac, and the indisputable paraffin lamp, a soft and splendid light. 




"Boom.... Boom.... Boom.... Boom.... right in the middle of a most entertaining digression on flats who join touring companies under the impression that they are actors, Kipps much amused at their flatness as exposed by Chitterlow.


注はflatsとは騙されやすい人(複数)だという。ではflatness は騙されやすさか?それで何がおもしろい?
