
H. G. Wellsの小説「Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul」の翻訳出版に向けた作業ブログ a one-man effort to translate a novel by H. G. Wells, “Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul” (1905) into Japanese and publish the results


Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul中巻七章四節のこの文はWikisourceの場合、関係代名詞thatを含んでいる。

Kipps/Book 2/Chapter 7 - Wikisource, the free online library

As for happiness, you want a world in order before money or property, or any of those things that have any real value, and this world, I tell you, is hopelessly out of joint.


ところが、ある人の底本のテキストにはこのthatがなく、その点、このProject Gutenberg Australiaのテキストに一致する。

As for happiness, you want a world in order before money or property or any of those things have any real value, and this world, I tell you, is hopelessly out of joint.




There isn't a woman in the swim of society at the present time, wouldn't sell herself, body and soul,

